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From Tradition to the Future Light: The History of Turkish Mosaic Lamps

In different periods of Turkish art, the history of Turkish mosaic lamps has followed an evolving and changing process. Mosaic lamps are lighting products made by bringing together glass mosaics and are commonly used for decorative purposes. The history of Turkish mosaic lamps can be summarized as follows:

Ottoman Empire Period: During the Ottoman Empire period, glass craftsmanship and decorative arts flourished. In this era, the production of mosaic lamps also became popular. Especially in workshops located in Istanbul, special designs using glass mosaics were created. Ottoman mosaic lamps are known for their elegant designs, featuring geometric patterns with different colored glasses.

Modern Turkey Period: With Turkey's process of modernization, traditional arts and handmade products underwent changes. Mosaic lamps were reinterpreted by combining traditional craftsmanship with modern designs. During this period, the production and sale of mosaic lamps became popular in tourist areas and handicraft stores.

Today: Mosaic lamps continue to be popular decorative items in Turkey and many parts of the world. They are available in both traditional and modern designs and are used in home decoration. Additionally, different materials are now used in the production of mosaic lamps alongside glass mosaics.

The history of Turkish mosaic lamps reflects a process where traditional art meets modern design. These lamps hold an important place as a part of Turkish culture and craftsmanship and continue to be in demand both locally and internationally.

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